The Benefits of Growing Vines on Your House

May 14, 2019

You know that beautiful house on the corner with those lush green vines sprawling across the white brick walls?

It’s not common to see a house covered in vines, but when you do see it, you might wonder if these unique plants serve some purpose other than to enhance the design of a house and garden. In fact, you might think they create more yard work than you’d like to take on, even if they do make a home look like a charming cottage out of a fairy tale.

Vines actually have a lot to offer in terms of benefits. If you are considering growing vines on the walls of your home, but are not sure if it would be too much work, read these vine tips that just might change your mind.

They shade your home

Trees are great shade providers that help regulate home temperature during the scorching summer months. And while we fully endorse trees, they do pose a risk to homes in the event of falling over and causing property damage. In terms of yard design, they also take up space. Vines eliminate these unfavorable risks, only needing the walls to grow upon. They offer the same natural shade and help keep your house cool.

Home protection

One of the cool things about adding vines to your garden is the natural protective layer they establish to block your walls from the elements. Over time, harmful UV rays from the sun can damage a home’s exterior. Exposure to rain and wind can be detrimental as well.


If your home is too close to the neighbor’s for comfort, bring in a bushel of vines to help increase privacy. When they blanket fences they add more height and fill in holes. This creates more of a barrier between two houses that have small yards.

Courtney L.
Posted on:
May 14, 2019
