5 Ways To Re-Use Your Christmas Tree After The Holidays

December 17, 2019

Many people have artificial Christmas trees nowadays, but for those who prefer the smell of pine on Christmas morning, the real tree is the ultimate tradition. 

Habit tells us not to think twice about tossing our trees in the dumpster once Christmas ends, but if you’re looking for small ways to be more eco friendly in your household, there are many ways to recycle a used tree.

Here’s our 5 best ideas to give you some green inspiration this season!

Recycle Your Tree

Instead of leaving your tree on the curb for the trash man to scoop up, load it into your vehicle and drop it off at your nearest recycling center. Trashed trees end up rotting in the landfill, and although they are technically biodegradable, you can give them a second life through recycling. They will most likely be chopped up into mulch to be used in spring gardens.


Evergreen branches make a great base for a compost heap. Chop up your tree and lay thin branches down to supplement soil organically. Branches allow airflow, and since they break down over time, it only adds to the rich fertility of a compost heap.


For fire pit lovers, this is a no-brainer. Hello free firewood!

DIY Fish Sanctuary

This idea is from personal experience! Having grown up around the water in Florida, my dad and brothers would cart our Christmas tree out to the lake behind our house and position it in the water to create a fish habitat. The primary reason was to draw bass to the shore for fishing, so this is a swell idea for the fishermen out there!

Return It To The Seller

Did you know that some tree farms will take used trees back? Before buying from a farm, ask the seller if they take trees back after the holidays. 

Courtney L.
Posted on:
December 17, 2019


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