4 Urban Gardening Tips for Beginners

March 17, 2020

All because you live in the city doesn’t mean you can’t mix green with the concrete. The urban gardening trend is growing (literally!) and we are all about it! If you’re new to urban gardening- don’t sweat it. We’ve got 4 awesome tips right here to turn your apartment into a lush little slice of paradise in no time.

Get creative with containers

In the city, there isn’t much free space to plant rows of vegetables, but then again, you don’t need it. Use containers to grow healthy plants. No matter what your budget is, you can purchase or upcycle everyday household items for planting. Egg cartons are perfect for seeds while old toys, cans, buckets and crates work well for established plants. Support local artisans and buy beautiful handcrafted pottery- or make your own!

Make smart choices

When choosing the right garden products to plant, be smart and come up with a plan of how you envision your future urban garden. Choose healthy, organic soils instead of types laden with chemicals. Make sure the containers you use have holes in the bottom that allow for thorough water drainage. Choose herb, flower and vegetable varieties with shallow root systems.

Get vertical

If you want to grow vegetables, but are worried about your small space, there are plenty of varieties that can grow vertically. All you need is a crate! Some solid options include cucumbers, squash, beans and tomatoes.

Check in with the community

Community gardens are popping up across North America, making it easier for urban residents to have access to gardening and fresh produce. Do some of your own “digging” to see if your city has a community garden, and sign up to get involved. Not only will you be able to get your own little plot going, but you’ll meet other urban gardeners to help spread the love and inspiration for all things green.

Courtney L.
Posted on:
March 17, 2020
