Choosing an Outdoor Grill

January 29, 2020

One of the great American pastimes is grilling outdoors. With winter on its way out and warmer weather on the horizon, it’s one weekend activity that everyone looks forward to. 

Do you have an outdoor grill or are you looking to buy a new one?

There are many factors to take into consideration before you can choose the best type of grill for your needs. Do you have a big or small outdoor area? How often will you BBQ? Are you a beginner or a bonafide grill master? 

For this post, we’ll look at the 3 most common types of grills to help you get started on answering some of these burning questions.

Charcoal Grill

You probably have childhood memories of your dad firing up the classic charcoal grill. This basic setup features a pit to hold a mound of charcoal pieces and a grate to place meat on above the pit.


  • Less expensive than electric or gas
  • Food has a rich, smokey BBQ flavor


  • Charcoal takes a long time to heat up once lit
  • Regulating the fire temperature can be tricky
  • You have to clean up messy ashes after cooking
  • Not the most eco friendly option

Electric Grill

This type of grille needs to plug into an outlet that supplies electricity, which in turn heats up the grate for cooking.


  • Easy to ignite and heats up quickly
  • The temperature is easier to regulate than charcoal
  • Comes in varying sizes with established voltage
  • Best option for apartment balconies or smaller backyards
  • Easy to install


  • No flavor 

Gas Powered Grill

This type of grill is quite popular, utilizing propane gas to produce a flame that cooks food.


  • Clean burning
  • Easy to ignite
  • Fast cooking time


  • Need to refill gas
  • No flavor (unless you invest in pumice stone, lava rock or ceramic)
  • Expensive

Courtney L.
Posted on:
January 29, 2020
