4 Reasons Why You Should Have Trees in Your Garden

April 14, 2018

Calming, soothing and filled with life- a tree adds tranquil beauty to the yard. Besides being aesthetically pleasing, trees offer so much more than we could imagine.

Maybe you are thinking about adding trees to your yard or perhaps you’re considering cutting one down...sure they take some extra pruning, and there will be leaves to rake up on occasion, but it’s worth it! Before you do anything, read on to learn how beneficial trees are in the garden.

Trees help you cut down on energy savings

During those hot summer months, it has become second nature to let the air conditioning run daily. Imagine how much money and energy you could save with half the usage, though. Believe it or not, trees are energy saving heroes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture attests that tree shade can provide a net cooling effect on a house that equals the cooling provided by 10 room-sized air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. That’s nothing to scoff at!

Trees reduce the carbon footprint

Trees are saviors of the ozone. We all know how crucial trees are to the environment when it comes to producing oxygen. In order to do this, they absorb tons of pollutants for conversion, such as nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, ozone, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This cleans the air and reduces greenhouse emissions.

Trees bring life

Towering over a garden with lush branches drooping over a property in a sweet embrace; there’s just something calming about a tree. Birds and squirrels make their homes in its branches, flowers and fruits provide nourishment for insects and it creates a majestic centerpiece for any backyard setting. You can make a swing for your children or lay a blanket under the shade for a picnic. A tree helps make a garden complete!

Courtney L.
Posted on:
April 14, 2018


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